Larry Johnson #E39909

Larry Johnson #E39909



Birth Date:
February 26, 1968
Incarcerated Since:
Release Date:
Convicted Of:
3 strikes / robbery
Home Town:
Oakland, CA
Wants To Write To:
Women only
Sexual Orientation:
Open to Gay/Bisexual Contact:
Will Write Overseas:


Hello Friends,

My name is Larry. I’m housed at CMF, in Vacaville, CA. I made a mistake in life and I’m paying for it now. I’ve realized that mistake and I’ve dedicated my life to learning from it. The boy that first began this sentence is not the man I am today. I’ve grown and matured.

I’m searching for a friend who is willing to walk this last mile with me. It’s not that long of a walk. For I’ve already completed the majority of it. I’m looking for a friend who won’t judge, but is willing to help me better myself. A person who is sincere and honest. But is also available to have fun and a few laughs from time to time.

I’m 53 years old. I’m fun-loving, witty and nice to be around. I am serious and straight to the point. I don’t lie nor play games.

I’m 6 feet, 255 pounds. I still play basketball and softball. I’ve been involved in sports my entire life, I’m a competitor, I strive to win. I’m gonna take that “strive to win” attitude and use it to make myself a more considerate and productive member of society. I want to help and counsel “at risk youths”, so they won’t make the same mistakes I did.

I’m looking for a friend who understand I made a mistake and won’t hold it against me. One, who’ll allow me to show them the good in me. I want to have fun. I want you to have fun. I want us to have fun together. So if you give me that chance, from the bottom of my heart, I won’t let you down.

I am a friend to all. And I accept all that wants to be a friend to me.

Larry Johnson

Larry Johnson #E39909
California Medical Facility / V109
PO Box 2000
Vacaville, CA 95696

Source: Larry Johnson #E39909