
  • Alcoholics Anonymous - Free information and brochures, meetings in most communities.

  • Alcoholics Anonymous General Service Office - Free information, local phone lines, meetings in most communities.

  • Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers - Newsletter for members only. Provides treatment referrals. 

  • Citizens Against Recidivism, Inc. Citizens Against Recidivism, Inc. was founded in 1992 initially to address the needs of family members who had incarcerated loved ones.

  • Columbia Legal Services, Institutions Project - The Institutions Project represents people confined in Washington's jails, prisons, juvenile detention facilities, mental health facilities, and facilities for people with developmental disabilities. This work has focused on conditions of confinement, discrimination, sentencing and placement, alternatives to institutionalization, and access to courts, as well as issues related to rehabilitation, re-entry, and reductions in recidivism.

  • Narcotics Anonymous - NA publishes a wide variety of materials concerning narcotics addiction and recovery, some of which are expressly produced for individuals who are currently incarcerated (e.g. Behind the Walls).

  • Prison Writing Program - Founded in 1971, the PEN Prison Writing Program believes in the restorative, rehabilitative power of writing and provides hundreds of inmates across the country with skilled writing teachers and audiences for their work. It provides a place for inmates to express themselves freely and encourages the use of the written word as a legitimate form of power. PEN's Prison Writing Program sponsors an annual writing contest, publishes a free "Handbook for Writers In Prison," provides one-on-one mentoring to inmates, conducts workshops, and seeks to promote inmates' work publicly through literary publications and readings.

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