Jamon Hestand #01343536




Birth Date:
April 27, 1981
Incarcerated Since:
April 21, 2005
Release Date:
April 21, 2025
Convicted Of:
Home Town:
Dallas / Denton, TX
Chaoism / Paganism / Humanism
207 lbs
Wants To Write To:
Sexual Orientation:
Open to Gay/Bisexual Contact:
Will Write Overseas:


Hello! Hope you are well as can be in this crazy world as you read this! I’m reaching out of this dungeon of Solitary Confinement within the Texas Branch of the Prison Industrial Complex looking for like-minded people for everlasting friendship and maybe more… I’m an Anarchist of The Left & Prison Abolitionist. Desire a World of Hedonism, Utopia, and Truth without any guilt because of other peoples’ ignorant lies that go against Human Nature!

I’m anti-fascist and do not discriminate on people because of race whatsoever! I’m on The Left in more ways than one! I have all sorts of interests to share… I’ve been thru hell and I’m still behind enemy lines under fire to this very day and ongoing! I resist the Radical Right and all the forces that oppress us and our True Natures! I embrace Life even in pain and fear no death! I strive to become better and rise from the ashes of adversity once and for all!

I believe that People Worldwide can and will come together and put an end to all forms of oppression while making this World into a Place of Pleasure instead of Pain caused by ignorant ideologies of the Past! I want us all to be happy and free without persecution from those who seek to control us for no good reason, but how in this cold World?! We must come together in Unity for the same purpose with no more excuses and see thru differences to what is the same!! Divided we fall with many individual weaknesses but together there’s only Strength to overcome the Forces of Adversity and Worthless ideologies of the past and move together into a Future where the Earth is clean and every face you see has a smile radiating Pure Pleasure with a Life Everlasting in a World Without End! So Be It! So Mate It Be! And So It Be Done! Thank you for your time and consideration. Feel free asking questions of me and sharing yourself with me as you please… I hope to hear from you soon within these walls of concrete and steel that surround my flesh but that can never surround my Immortal Soul! Write Back Soon and Be Blessed With Illumination of The Real Truth! Stay Strong!!



Jamon Hestand #01343536
​Michael Unit
2664 FM 2054
Tennessee Colony, TX 75886

Source: Jamon Hestand #01343536