Source: Derek Chappell #223626
Category Archives: Death Row
Tracy Hampton #085819
Hello, Friends?
Hello, my name is Tracy Hampton, and I’m 51 years old, 6’2″ and weigh 225 pounds with bald head and pale green eyes. My hobbies are working out, reading, and studying (history, law, philosophy, German language, psychology, classic lit.). I like to draw, anything from horror icons, serial killers, portraits, flowers, pinups, to even puppy dogs. I listen primarily rock/metal, but enjoy some country, classical, alternative, and punk rock. What I’m looking for in a pen pal is someone 30 years old and up. Someone serious about maintaining a friendship and understands the situation I’m in being on Death Row–the state’s trying to kill me. I’m looking for someone with a good sense of humor, the darker the better! I have an excellent sense of humor and despite my legally tenuous grasp on life, I find a reason to laugh every day! I’m looking for a pen pal that understands the value of trust and can say what they mean and mean what they say. I can’t stress that enough! I have no need for fake or Fairweather friends, pen pals etc. Serious pen pals only. I look forward to hearing from you, sharing some laughs, and getting to know one another. I do have a tablet and you can email me, go to the following site to sign up. “HTTPS:\\SECURUSTECH.ONLINE\#\LOGIN”. Go to “Create Account” and follow the prompts. If you are overseas, write me and I’ll tell you how to do it from over there. If you want to leave me a message, its best to email me direct as the prison sometimes doesn’t let them in.
Tracy Hampton #085819
ASPC Eyman
P.O. Box 3400
Florence, AZ 85132
Source: Tracy Hampton #085819
Sterling Atkins #46600
Sterling Atkins #46600
To Whom It May Concern
I’m a death row inmate who’s actually innocent, I’m seeking friendship through letters. Looks, race, ages are unimportant to me, only your friendship matters. If you’re interested in becoming friends just tell me about yourself. And I’ll do the same. I’m looking for women and men from all over the world to communicate with. I’m able to receive emails and photos via and Sign up and become a member. Send emails and photos today.
If you’re reading this and want to do a compassionate deed for another, then please take this request seriously because I want you to make a money donation by credit or debit card to immediately after reading this request. All relevant information below is what you need in order to make your contribution possible, please follow the instructions below carefully because it’s important that you immediately donate today. I need to raise $5000 by way of donations so DNA testing of evidence by the Innocence Project that would challenge my conviction, overturning the death sentence. So please make your donation on in the amount of $20, $50, $100, $250, $500, $1000, $2500, $5000. To And provide Sterlings, Atkins $0046600, Nevada. Thanks for your donation. It’s the driving force for progress, hope and success, I greatly appreciate your kind generosity. Thank you.
Sterling Atkins #46600
Ely State Prison
P.O. Box 1989
Ely, NV 89301
Source: Sterling Atkins #46600
Richard Baumhammers #ET8465
Richard Baumhammers #ET8465
I am Richard, a 56 year old white man in prison in Pennsylvania. I am 6″2 (1.88 meters) and 295 lbs. (97 kg). I have blue eyes, light brown hair and broad shoulders. I am seeking a traditional white lady pen pal. I am more moderate to conservative. I suppose I lean to more conservative. I mainly listen to Classic Rock. Some of the rock groups I like are AC/DC, (Ben Scott was a real talent), Black Sabbath, Ace Frehley, Guns ‘N’ Roses, the Rolling Stones and ZZ Top. I enjoy 80’s music too like the Cars and Depeche Mode.
Once in a while I listen to classical music like Richard Wagner and Amadeus Mozart.
Here I drink coffee and jam to my tablet.
In college I used to body build and mountain bike.
I have a law degree and lived in Eastern Europe in the 90’s. I enjoy correspondence and conversations. My snail mail has to be sent to Florida before being forwarded to me in Pennsylvania.
Here is my address.
Smart Communications / PA DOC
Richard Baumhammers #ET8465
SCI Phoenix
PO Box 33028
St. Petersburg, FL 33733
Source: Richard Baumhammers #ET8465
Robert Fratta #00999189
Bobby Fratta
I want to help YOU become a MILLIONAIRE and social media sensation! If you’re a woman who’s well-spoken and has a voluptuous body and/or attractive face and would like to become wealthy while also being able to feel wonderful about helping millions of people in the process, please write me. I’ll supply the product, and you simply supply your beautiful talented self and directly receive and keep all your proceeds. The product is a book I’ve already written and published about a SOLUTION to stop all this ongoing divisiveness, bickering and violence between people of different races, religions, sexual and political views which we are ALL suffering thru here in the U.S. and abroad. Being that my copyrighted book is the ONLY source dealing with a solution, whoever does the social media promotions will be completely unique and go viral as a result of so many people wanting to end this nonsense. ALL monies from the ad revenues are YOURS to keep, as is whatever else you earn from becoming famous. All I want is to help people via my book being bought and read, and its solution implemented as a result of your promoting my book via various free social media sources. While everyone else is merely griping about how bad things are, you and I will be DOING SOMETHING to resolve matters and make the U.S. and world a better place to live. EVERY “qualified” woman reading this ad PLEASE write me for details, tell me about yourself, send photos, and include email and snail mail addresses for me to reply and send you a FREE copy of my book. If you don’t hear back from me, please write again – as mail does get “lost” sometimes. Thank you and I look VERY forward to hearing from YOU.
Robert Fratta #00999189
Polunsky Unit
3872 FM 350 South
Livingston, TX 77351
Source: Robert Fratta #00999189
Richard Gamache #K04000
Richard Gamache #K04000
Hello world.
How are you? No! Really! How are you? I genuinely want to know.
My name is Richard Gamache. I am a 47-48 year old white man on California’s death row. I know there is this perception that those of us in prison are self-centered and only care about themselves, – for the most part that is true. I am so far from that!
I am genuinely interested in meeting people who are interested in building genuine connections and long lasting friendships! In a world of indifference, self-centered, materialistic people who have forgotten HOW to CARE… I never have!
I’m a fairly open-minded guy who is in touch with my feelings and emotions. I do not sugar coat things. I’m unafraid to be myself. I’m direct, but, never disrespectful! I’m kind; caring, honest, witty, REAL funny, understanding, outgoing and loving! AND… I’m a GREAT “Listener.”!!
I love to read and learn. To me both are as important as self-reflection, and inner growth! I believe keeping the mind invigorated and stimulated is oh so important to survival in this place.
I’m looking for… you! Yes… you! Those who are similarly minded, those who are comfortable in their own skin… Those who are willing to broaden my horizons beyond these prison walls (I’ve been “here” since I was 8 years old – on my 1st arrest!) I’m looking for people who will call me on my BS. We can disagree without being disagreeable!
Speak your mind, your heart, your truth! Let’s have a dialogue through the mail. If this is you… then I’m “here”, go ahead and put that pen to paper!
Responses are prompt and certain! I do hope to “hear” from you. Until then… Take good care of you!
Richard Gamache
Richard Gamache #K04000
San Quentin State Prison
San Quentin, CA 94974
Source: Richard Gamache #K04000
Christopher Payne #242196
Christopher Payne #242196
Hello my name is Christopher. Thank you for takin the time to check out my ad, maybe this will be the beginning of something good, I’m hoping to spark your curiosity with a little about me and look forward to learning more about you. Writing poetry and drawing are a few things I like to do to express my creative side. A sense of humor is important to me because I enjoy making people laugh, in fact most of my day is spent cracking jokes with friends. =) Plus, I’m thinking it would be nice to have someone special to laugh with, share inside jokes with and ponder the irony of life. I’m also into lifting weights, running around, playing basketball to stay in shape. Some of my hobbies include cooking, scrapbooking, playing fantasy football, and watching the Arizona sunsets outside of my window.
My Christian faith and family support has helped me stay grounded and progressing as a person. I’ve learned to appreciate the blessings I do have instead of dwelling on what I don’t. I’m genuine and not ashamed to be imperfect, and I’ve become comfortable in my own skin. I’m looking to meet someone who is authentic and nonjudgmental and will take the time to get to know me for the person I am at heart. Someone who wants to share her interests and aspirations so we can develop a connection and build a friendship. I promise to always be a complete gentleman and treat you with the utmost respect. So if you’re smiling after reading this, and looking to connect with someone who is down to earth, then let me be the one to keep you smiling. =) You can write me directly (snail mail), by email through Conpals, or email me directly at the prison through SECURUSTECH.NET.
Let’s see if the chemistry is real, can’t wait to hear from you!
Christopher Payne #242196
ASPC – Florence
PO Box 8200
Florence, AZ 85132
Source: Christopher Payne #242196
Richard Jackson #16669-058
Richard Jackson #16669-058
Greetings everyone! 🙂 My name is Richard, I’m looking to make new lifelong friends in the US and all over the world.
I love reading books about the Knights Templar, bible codes, the Shroud of Turin, and many other mysteries of our past and present. When I was free I enjoyed hiking, camping, fishing, and traveling on cruise ships throughout the Caribbean.
If you are looking for a true friend who is always kind and enjoys listening to you, someone who can discuss anything with, a person who will respond to your letters quickly, then please write to me. I would love to learn all about you, your life, and your part of the world.
I can correspond with you by email through Corrlinks, or by telephone. Write to me and I will explain how to do it. Any correspondence through this mail must be on white paper and in a white envelope. No stickers or address labels.
I truly appreciate you taking the time to read my profile. I hope to hear from you soon. Take care.
Lots of love,
Richard Jackson #16669-058
FCC Terre Haute
PO Box 33
Terre Haute, IN 47808
Source: Richard Jackson #16669-058
Dale Flanagan #0021853
Dale Flanagan #0021853
“I don’t know how I may appear to the world; but to myself, I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore diverting myself in now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the great ocean of truth lay all unexplored before me.” Isaac Newton (slightly paraphrased).
The year past with all its loss and disruption of what we though solid and certain reminds that there are a special few, who when they walk life’s path beside you the dark is penetrable the light warmer…
As you’ve found yourself reading these words, you really should write.
See more oat Here in the few available words: Warning! =) I will seek to really get to know you. I don’t do rapid / shallow. I seek to share some interests, explore some differences… I tell a rude joke or two (Hey! A man in all male environment) There are reasons enough in a day to frown, I’m not one of them. I’m direct, open, intense – I pursue with a passion than which inspires the heart to race and sour. I love to ride motorcycles, horses, listen to the harder side of rock, have a master’s in theology, enjoy and study physics to philosophy, practice Tang Soo Do, yoga…
I look forward to you (over 21 please). is fastest but one way to write so include snail mail address. and are helpful for overseas writers.
Dale Flanagan #0021853
Ely State Prison
PO Box 1989
Ely, NV 89301
Source: Dale Flanagan #0021853
William Leonard #0016830
William Leonard #0016830
Artist, photographer, poet, warrior, and transformed man. I’m also a published author. Here is my book titles and their links: Breeding Monsters: Bill Leonard on Death Row: a Journal of Trauma, Torture, and Transformation and The Super Cool Paintings and Drawings of Bill Leonard: Art Journal Entries of a Death Row Inmate Breeding Monsters is my memoir. It delves into my very determined self-rehabilitation through a process called neuroplasticity. It also examines the flawed process that earned me the death penalty. Most of my family and friends have passed away during my four decades of confinement. The global pandemic made me feel ever more alone, adrift, and absolutely cut off from everything and everyone. Moreover, with today’s technology, letter writing seemingly has become a dying art. Sadly, I can’t tweet you. So, I’m looking for pen pals who like to write the old fashion way and who don’t mind being supportive to a condemned man’s plight.
I love creating art. I have a passion for music. I’m intelligent, compassionate, and have a wonderful sense of humor. I love to communicate. I believe writing helps restore me, offering the experience of coming out of an emotional desert into an exciting whirlwind of expression and release.
Drop me a line, you won’t be disappointed. Thank you and have a nice day.
William Leonard #0016830
Ely State Prison
PO Box 1989
Ely, NV 89301
Source: William Leonard #0016830