Source: Damon Lloyd #547349
Category Archives: Legal
Rahsaan Black #44054-039
Warrior Seeks Ally
Dear Reader:
Gretings, my name is Rahsaan Ali Black. I have now been a prisoner for 13 years, for a non-violent, non-sexual offense that carries a maximum federal sentence of ten years, and originally carried none in this country… gun possession. My sentence (25 years) is the result of judicial and prosecutorial misconduct.
I once read that “all evil people need to succeed, is for good people to do nothing”… I believe these words to be true. I write this message as a beacon for “good people”… I need your help. I need your help in a fight against hypocrisy, arrogance, and privilege, three things that America’s faux “judicial system” is deeply infected with. These three things are the main ingredients of evil. The only things that can combat this trio are fraternity, equality, and liberty… without these there can be no justice.
As you can see in the drawing I stand as a lone warrior. So I ask you, dear reader, first, for your fraternity. Perhaps then I can attain equality, and then, GOD willing, liberty.
If you would like to be an ally in this struggle please contact me.
Rahsaan Black #44054-039
U.S.P. Coleman #1
PO Box 1033
Coleman, FL 33521
Source: Rahsaan Black #44054-039
Remecos Barley #01888806
Remecos Barley #01888806
As-salamu alaikum, that is peace unto you my fellow friends out there. My name is Remecos Barley, I am from Texas, I am a songwriter and performer looking for a friend to correspond with. I am an artist known as “THE DAKTA” or “DAKTA PAYNE.” I have multiple videos on YouTube but here are three of my favorites that I recorded before I came to jail.
In addition to that I do solicit friendship. I am an artist known as “THE DAKTA” OR “DAKTAPAYNE” I have multiple videos on YouTube but here are three of my favorites that I recorded before I came to jail.
Respectfully submitted
Remecos Barley #01888806
Hughes Unit
Rt 2 Box 4400
Gatesville, TX 76597
Source: Remecos Barley #01888806
Angela Alexander #02174142
Angela Alexander #02174142
I was originally offered a 5 year sentence on a charge that should have been a state jail felony or a misdemeanor, deadly conduct or reckless endangerment penal code 15.01. During my pre-trial proceedings the judge specifically asked the district attorneys if they were changing anything on my indictment that could affect the change and or the sentence or the elements of the crime. At which time the D.A. responded “no”, they were only correcting typo errors changed the name of the victim, which originally was wrong, the case number of the year was wrong, and the initial penal code which was / is 15.01 and is listed under the misdemeanor / state jail felonies. However, they changed the penal code to 28.02, which changed the entire crime to arson and there was nothing set on fire. No one hurt or property destroyed. I took this charge to trial because arson was not a factor, I received a 70 year sentence. I was represented by a court appointed attorney who did absolutely nothing to defend me and was tried by a district attorney Able Reyna who has been on the local news as well as national news for amending cases. Please see the twin-peaks-biker-shooting-district-attorney-abel reyna-investingateby-fbi/article. I have been incarcerated for 4 years now. I have 4 sons who need their mother home with them. I am asking for legal help and or support in funding a legal defense that could help right this travesty of justice. Lord, I come to you as humble as I know how to be asking that you please send me a strong and effective support system and legal dream team who can come together on my behalf and set me free to be home with my 4 sons and my family. Isaiah 41:13. Angela Alexander #2174142 1916 Hwy. 36 Bypass Gatesville, Texas 76596 I can also be reached via but you must include a physical address in initial e-mail to me otherwise I have no way of responding. Thank you for reviewing this page.
Angela Alexander #02174142
Murray Unit
1916 North Hwy 36 Bypass
Gatesville, TX 76596
Source: Angela Alexander #02174142
Jamon Hestand #01343536
Please bear with me as I write this note to share a sort of synopsis to point out what I need from this…
I need serious help on the outside to establish my Legal Sovereignty and so I’m searching for advocates who can do that for me and who may have interest or experience in supporting / representing Radicals on the Left such as myself. I need help working to dismantle the Prison Industrial Complex and need people who I can report to about Human Rights abuses that I witness or experience, that will actually do something about it proactively!
I’m in continuous physical pain from injuries that I sustained from illegal Uses of Force committed against me by many Prison Officials and Staff with serious injuries especially on September 10th, 2010 / September 9th, 2011 / December 7th, 2011 / December 10th, 2014 / February 13th, 2018 / December 9th, 2019 / March 9th, 2020 / April 5th, 2020 / etc. and both Prison Officials and Staff along with the Office of the Inspector General obstructed justice in a conspiracy against my rights and my injuries still have not been fully examined properly so they can be treated correctly to this very day! I need help making these scumbags taste their own medicine and getting my Victims Rights fulfilled to the maximum along with advocacy to help me get the best possible medical care that I deserve!
I’m in the Federal Courts at: US District Court – Eastern District of Texas with Case #: 6:20 -CV-00071-JDK-JDL (Hestand v. TDCJ-CID, et. al.) It’s very serious and I’m trying to fight The System and truly need serious help on several levels such as: financially / with actual groundwork from people who are experienced at fighting the Prison Industrial Complex / with advice regarding 1983 & Americans with Disabilities Act Claims / etc.! I need backup fighting this hateful System!
That aside, I’m facing a felony charge at: 87th Judicial District Court of Anderson County, Texas, USA that carries 25 years to life aggravated with 2 enhancements regarding a supposed assault with bodily injury case against an inmate and it’s been floating over my head since November 2018 and as strange as this is, I have absolutely no legal representation for this case (cause No. 87CR – 20 – 34556) at all! The lawyer I had from the State Counsel for Offenders vanished since February 2021 and neither he nor the State Counsel for Offenders will respond to any letters whatsoever! Also, the same Office of the Inspector General that’s been screwing me over about my Victims Rights on the forementioned Uses of Force, also let video evidence be destroyed that proves my innocence and deliberately never got over 25 staff witness statements that also prove my innocence!! I need emergency Legal Representation to overcome this ignorance and / or fundraising to obtain such and I need to be able to file suit on the Office of the Inspector General who keeps violating my Civil & Criminal Rights! They are conspiring against me continuously! So I need them to be punished for their wrongdoing against me so they learn about the garbage they represent and set an example for others.
Lastly, I fight The Deep State from within The System and without it simultaneously from many directions so please don’t think I’m naïve. I’m a man of loyalty and I back my words up with congruent actions. I’d also like representation for my religious beliefs and want to end this by saying that none of this is a joke and I can and will go into much further detail thru mutual communication. I do know a lot about The Law especially Federal Law but not everything and I am very knowledgeable about the Prison Industrial Complex / Prison Abolition / and fighting the Establishment but I’m not a know-it-all so I look forward to meeting new people and sharing thoughts back and forth over time. Learning is always a good thing although it’s not always easy to do so. Thank you for your time and consideration on my behalf! I hope to hear from you soon and with that being said, I leave this as I came, with the Light of Reason Shining with Illumination!
In Solidarity, Diabolus; Enemy of the State
PS ~ Here’s my Personal Email Address “for messages only”:; please include your return physical address if I don’t already know you so I can write back by snail mail as soon as possible! Thank you! Have a nice day or night! I greatly appreciate your help…
Jamon Hestand #01343536
Michael Unit
2664 FM 2054
Tennessee Colony, TX 75886
Juan Calderon #H75038
Juan Calderon #H75038
To Whom It May Concern
Blessings! If you’re reading this ad. Refer it to civil rights activists, law firms of black people and law students worldwide… Just out of kindness.
This case is worth one hundred millions in general damages for general suffering under responsibility of someone’s irrational belief, who has used its power to deprive myself of all the civil rights under state / federal / international laws indeed.
Nevertheless, not one gets away with any illegal or criminal activity under the well governmental structure of the USA, and such people must be accountable in the sense of fair justice certainly.
I think and believe that I got a solid case to win one hunderd millions and injunctive relief to get out of prison with guarantees of life, health and safety.
For it, these people with such irrational belief, alike historic Hitler, who killed millions of people with such evil manipulation; in my case they have violated the cruel and unusual punishment clause, equal protection of the law clause and first amendment rights to court access by depriving me of all rights for incarceration, for 29 years; put me asleep and subjected me to brain surgeries to implant a chip / sensor on my head; used such chip for criminal purposes and experimental evil punishment; causing me health problems, pain and discomfortable suffering; denying me medical care; inflicting me general painful suffering as for experimental punishment; punishing me with 100+ disciplinary actions, loss of privileges and denial of parole suitability; subjecting me to misery; mental anguish; emotional distress; psychological harm; overlooking chronic intestinal dysfunction, head pain and physical disabilities due to surgeries on my head; violence; corporal punishment; hernias; baldness; and such a big number of adverse circumstances to prolong my incarceration indeed.
However, I need legal assistance on contingency basis. Upon release anytime soon under new laws I will join the Auto Defense Revolutionary Forces where a R-15 and real war will be part of my organization to change things for good at this civilized planet whatsoever.
Join our cause our civil rights matter too!
Sincerely inmate, Juan Calderon #H75038
Juan Calderon #H75038
Mule Creek State Prison
PO Box 409020
Ione, CA 95640
Source: Juan Calderon #H75038
Ditrick Derouen #00837354
Ditrick Derouen Advocacy Efforts
Lawfully applied. Exhibit AA: V. Please review Defendant Ditrick Derouen’s Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ) Individualized Treatment Plan and Individualized Post-Secondary Education Program. The defendant has a strong urge to seek clarification and insight on the applicable sentencing statues or guidelines and design individualized sentencing reports or memoranda, which includes specific sentencing proposals where the death penalty has been waived, this case then became a non-capital case, which should allow a jury instruction regarding parole eligibility, and insight on how the Texas Department of Criminal Justice really evaluate, utilize, and apply earned credits for incarcerated individuals looking to change their lives. The defendant continually strives to improve his overall education, communication, and anticipated career goals to maintain a strong positive outlook on the future and it is made possible with first acknowledging his willful steadfast commitment in rehabilitating himself and secondly, with applying his privileged, vastly appreciated earned time credits towards parole eligibility and a sentence reduction through executive clemency. He takes full responsibility for neglecting an obligation to his child and society as a whole. VI. Executive assistance and Process of sentence reduction. The sentence reduction through executive clemency requires a lawyer and a retainer for long term expenses. Sentence reduction in the state of Texas is a step-by-step process. For example, in the state’s sentence reductions require the consent of the prosecutor and then the parole board has to agree to the terms and finally the governor’s office. The retainer in a monthly payment plan may include office expenses $200 a month and travel expenses $200 a month. Long term expenses are $10,000 total. The total expenses for this process over 18-month period is $15,400. Payment plans over an 18-month tine frame are available. The process for expedited sentence reduction service may cost approximately $25,000 What you can do: Please consider giving a one-time special donation to Def: Ditrick Derouen advocacy efforts to raise money for legal representation. No amount is too small to help make a difference in the advocacy efforts of the Defendant. I hope this legal profile stimulates you to donate using the I also encourage you to donate conveniently and securely online at Please give generously, according to your means, and help correct this injustice. Should you have any questions regarding this legal profile, please email Def. Ditrick Derouen at
Ditrick Derouen #00837354
Alfred Hughes
3201 FM 929
Gatesville, TX 76528
Source: Ditrick Derouen #00837354
Jae Lyu #AZ8301
Jae Lyu #AZ8301
Hello. I’d like to send my utmost respect to those who have taken the time to read this ad, and getting to know a little about myself.
I was born in South Korea, on March 25, 1961, but my father registered my birthday on November 5, 1962 for the situation of North and South Korea.
I arrived to the US on October 12, 2005.
I have brown eyes. I am 5’6” and 160 lbs. I believe I can have a loving woman. I seek correspondence with a caring, honest, fun-loving person who is willing to relocate and even marry if the chemistry is there. Also who can help my legal matter because I have been railroaded into prison for what I have not done. When I was arrested I could not speak nor read English. In order to prove my innocence I have studied English and law. If I have someone who might help me outside of these walls, I would prove my innocent. I can prove the malicious prosecutor’s manipulation of the procedure.
I am looking for a future lover with whom I can converse about anything. I guarantee you will not be disappointed in my relation. Your looks, weight, race, height or age does not matter. It’s what’s in your heart, so if you are interested, you can count on me. I am waiting to hear from you. Until then be safe and God bless!
Sincerely yours,
Jae Lyu #AZ8301
California Rehabilitation Center
209 – 2L
PO Box 3535
Norco, CA 92860
Source: Jae Lyu #AZ8301