Jose Zamoramo #01595920

Jose Zamoramo #01595920


Birth Date:
January 2, 1988
Incarcerated Since:
Release Date:
January 9, 2024
Convicted Of:
Aggravated robbery
Home Town:
Houston, TX
230 lbs
Wants To Write To:
Sexual Orientation:
Open to Gay/Bisexual Contact:
Will Write Overseas:
Romance, friendship


Let me introduce myself. My name is Jose, over the years family and friends, for whatever reasons, tend to slowly fall off. So for this reason, I decided to explore other options and join this pen pal site, to get away from this prison only for a moment. I hope to meet some positive, likeminded people, be it a friend, mentor or just a pen pal. I am open to just about anything. This prison is full of negativity, and despair, so I hope to make a positive connection through pen and paper. =) Just to tell you a little about myself, some of my passions and enjoyments are reading my Bible, books, magazines, sports, music and trying to better myself on a daily basis. I also like to work out. As far as music, I really enjoy all but my favorites are Spanish and country. Anyway please consider writing and getting to know me. I have a lot to offer. I will write anyone, I do not discriminate. Who knows? We may be able to continue a relationship beyond these walls. One meeting here… could be the beginning of something way more than either of us planned for. If you send JPay please add your address. GOD BLESS

– Jose –

Jose Zamoramo #01595920
Vance Unit
2 Jester Road
Richmond, TX 77406

Source: Jose Zamoramo #01595920