Armando Arvizu #J93187

Armando Arvizu #J93187



Birth Date:
September 8, 1974
Incarcerated Since:
Release Date:
Convicted Of:
2nd degree murder
Home Town:
San Pedro, CA
185 lbs
Wants To Write To:
Women only
Sexual Orientation:
Open to Gay/Bisexual Contact:
Will Write Overseas:


Damn, check you out. I see you making bedroom eyes at my picture. At least read what I have to say first. =) I’m just clowning around. I hope you didn’t take that seriously.

Well let me tell you a little about myself. My name, age and picture are on my profile so let’s go a little deeper. I enjoy long walks on the beach, bird watching, again I’m just clowning hoping to make you smile.

Okay now on the serious side. I’ve been in prison since 1997 but hope to be free next year. I’m single and have no children. Not by choice. It’s just next to impossible to make babies in this place =). I’m often told I’m easy to talk to, down to earth and have a sense of humor. I think mind games are for kids so I keep It real at all times. I enjoy laughing and making others laugh. I’ve made some mistakes in my past, have learned from them and want to turn the page.

I’m looking for someone who values friendship, likes to talk / write, isn’t judgmental and wants to make a new friend. I know a first letter can be difficult so if you don’t know what to say just send me your name, favorite color, movie and song. I’ll do the rest.

Well hopefully something I said sparked your interest and I hear from you soon.


Guess what? You just found what you were looking for… me. =)

Armando Arvizu #J93187
Correctional Training Facility
F – 233
PO Box 689
Soledad, CA 93960

Source: Armando Arvizu #J93187