Joseph Pape #407149

Joseph Pape #407149


Birth Date:
July 22, 1996
Incarcerated Since:
January 2, 2015
Release Date:
January 2, 2055
Convicted Of:
Murder 1
Home Town:
Waterbury, CT
White, Spanish
180 lbs
Wants To Write To:
Women only



I am a down to earth, open minded person seeking excitement friendship and lifelong bonds. I hope you and I can build on all three on our endeavor! You already have me excited so it looks like we’re off to a good start (smile and wink).

Prison has a tendency to weigh on people and I’m a big believer that laughter is the best medicine so I’m a bit of a laugh chaser, but I understand time and place. Just know you and I will have lots of laughs together.

When I’m not coolin with my friends my focus is on growth. At this time I’m in school aiming for my GED and plan on continuing my education further. Jumping out of one self’s comfort zone plays a big part in growing so I try to take advantage of moments that require me to speak in front of a crowd (big or small). In addition, I recently took on poetry and cooking for hobbies. Maybe we’ll have those things in common.

I hope you’re intrigued by what I’ve conveyed to you and are willing to take a chance on what could be the beginning of something sublime. If so, I’m looking forward to meeting you.


Joseph Pape #407149
MacDougall CI
1153 East St South
Suffield, CT 06080

Source: Joseph Pape #407149