Andrew Thompson #91272-083
My name is Andrew, but everyone calls me Slim, and I’m currently locked up near Orlando, Florida. And my main goal is to meet cool and new people from all backgrounds, and on all levels of friendship. I’m 36 years old, and I’m from Las Vegas, Nevada. I’m also 6’6” and I weigh 200 pounds. I believe in loyalty above all, and I’m real big on traveling. I’ve literally been to 48 states, so chances are that I’ve probably been to where you’re from. I try to stay up on current events in the world as much as possible, and I keep my head at all times. So reach out and come holla at me, and you might find the coolest new friend that you never even knew. Be safe out there, holla.
Andrew Thompson #91272-083
USP Coleman I
PO Box 1033
Coleman, FL 33521
Source: Andrew Thompson #91272-083