Richard LaQuerre #168642

Richard LaQuerre #168642


Birth Date:
July 8, 1987
Incarcerated Since:
October 23, 2015
Release Date:
September 2022
187 lbs
Wants To Write To:
Women only
Sexual Orientation:
Will Write Overseas:


Hi there my friend-to-be. My name is Richard, but you can call me either “Ricky” or “Elvis” because that’s what my friends call me. I would very much like for you and I to be pen pals, and get to know each other more as friends. I’m loyal, honest, selfless, optimistic, mature, a geek in many ways, loving, family-oriented understanding, a great listener, and nonjudgmental. I love to cook, work with my hands, fix electronics, and ride my motorcycle often. Someone once said that a stranger is just a friend you haven’t met yet. Prison is a lonely place. If you are lonely, or feel misunderstand (like I do sometimes), and you need someone that won’t judge you, be totally honest with you, appreciate everything about you, actively seek to understand you, enjoy you, who will care about how you feel and what you think, someone who will encourage and lift you up, and who will accept you just the way you are – imperfections and all – then handwrite (or type if your handwriting isn’t that good like most other people) me a short introductory letter, no longer than three front-side-only pages, and tell me about yourself and what a real friendship means to you. I promise to write you back ASAP. Or send me an email. Honesty is the best policy. Ask me anything you want. I never judge a book by its cover. Likewise, get to know me first. I promise you won’t regret it.

Richard LaQuerre #168642
Ouachita River Correctional Unit
PO Box 1630
Malvern, AR 72104

Source: Richard LaQuerre #168642