Ramon King #238074

Ramon King #238074


Birth Date:
April 9, 1976
Incarcerated Since:
Release Date:
August 5, 2036
Convicted Of:
Second degree murder
Home Town:
Detroit, MI
Wants To Write To:
Women only
Sexual Orientation:
Open to Gay/Bisexual Contact:
Will Write Overseas:
Romance, friendship


Hi, my name is Ramon,

I am a man that looks to experience the world through the eyes of genuine connections with loving, intelligent people. Those that can appreciate the beauty of my mind and the expansion of love I have for others as I sit in my cell developing myself into a polished diamond. I asked myself what is a diamond worth being hidden away? And what is a man that stands alone? The answers to these questions have fueled my desire to meet others and share myself with them and them with me to fulfill the reason and purpose for my existence. I no longer desire to be just independent and separate but interdependent and find oneness in like minds. I love to read any topic that precipitates growth and development of the mind and spirit. In my own struggles to evolve I realize the necessity for the presence of the feminine mind, I have come to the conclusion without her no life or man can continue to grow. To write me directly go to jpay.com.

Ramon King #238074
Chippewa Correctional Facility
4269 West M-80
Kincheloe, MI 49784

Source: Ramon King #238074