Vencen Page #14799980
Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away they are meant to be there… to serve some purpose, teach you something, or help you figure out who you are to become.
You know sometime things happen to us and they seem bad, painful and unfair. However upon reflection you realize without overcoming those obstacles you wouldn’t be who you are now with more potential, strength, willpower, and even love.
Everything happens for a reason, there is no “by chance” or “luck.” Illness, injury, love, lost time and sheer stupidity all occur to test the limits of the soul. Without these tests, life would be a smoothly paved, straight, flat road to nowhere. Our understanding of life and experience crate who we are and bad experiences are learned from.
Thanks for giving me a chance and I look forward to growing with you.
Yours Truly
Vencen Page #14799980
82911 Beach Access Rd
Umatilla, OR 97882
Source: Vencen Page #14799980