Eric Gray #1226963

Eric Gray #1226963


Birth Date:
February 19, 1993
Convicted Of:
Involuntary manslaughter, possession of weapon
211 lbs


I would like to introduce myself. I am an introverted extrovert, an interesting, intoxicating enigma, although I prefer tranquility and the solitary thought, I am comfortable in a room full of people.

I was arrested at the tender age of 16, for 1st degree murder. After two years in the city jail, at 18 I went to trial and the murder was reduced to an involuntary manslaughter. I was given 7 years for the homicide and 20 yeas for being in possession of the gun in the commission of the crime. It was hard coming into a man as another statistic. However I didn’t allow for that to hold me back. I started redefining myself. I’m studying a wide variety of subjects. My favorites are economics, theology, history, politics, and social science. However what I enjoy the most is meeting new people and learning about their culture while teaching them about mine. I am a proud African American. Now 28 years old (February 19, 1993), my picture speaks for itself about my physical features. I am 6ft even, 200 solid. I don’t know exactly when I will be home. But I see the parole board next year. Until then I just try to stay positive, motivated, and make the most of this time. In closing, I come as I leave. Humble, upright and independent.

Eric Gray #1226963
​Potosi Correctional Center
11593 State Highway O
Mineral Point, MO 63660

Source: Eric Gray #1226963