Jerry Hampton #A154328

LEE Hampton #A154328


Birth Date:
April 29, 1960
Incarcerated Since:
September 26, 1978
Release Date:
Parole board 2027
Convicted Of:
Murder (ORC 2903.02)
Home Town:
Columbus, OH
155 lbs
Wants To Write To:
Women only
Sexual Orientation:
Open to Gay/Bisexual Contact:
Will Write Overseas:
Friendship, legal help


After 43+ years of incarceration the Ohio Parole Board has recently told me that I MIGHT have a chance of parole in 2027, provided I am able to fulfill their current requirements, one of which is to build a ”support group,” because family and old friends have long ago faded from my life.

I am Lee: 62, 5′ 7”, 160#, dark blue eyes, long dark red hair, non-smoking, -drinking and -drugs, semi-vegetarian, no tattoos, no health issues, slim and muscular due to an ongoing physically active lifestyle (I can still run 5 miles in <45min), spiritually Wiccan, always quiet and reserved.

I took 10 years of cognitive-based Groups through the 1990s which turned my life around 180° from the angry youth I had been and first made me care about other people so that I eventually came to truly grieve the harm I have caused others. I continue to grieve that harm done, and seek to do better every day.

I seek a female complement to my lifestyle to provide balance in my life; companionship to help me through these next 5 years then — hopefully — the transition back into Society (likely in the Lebanon, Ohio area). Someone to teach me how to do the simple things in life that I have never had to do before. Someone who can forgive that at 18 I murdered a woman I had planned to rape — for which I’ve never forgiven myself — and accept me as the gentle man I have become. Someone who can teach me to be sociable, for I’ve learned to spend my time alone.

Jerry Hampton #A154328
​Chillicothe Correctional Institution
P.O. Box 5500
Chillicothe, OH 45601-0990

Source: Jerry Hampton #A154328