Richard Poplawski #KB7354

Richard Andrew



Birth Date:
September 12, 1986
Incarcerated Since:
April 2009
Release Date:
April 2196
Convicted Of:
Homicide x3, attempted homicide x9, etc.
Home Town:
Pittsburgh, PA
180 lbs
Wants To Write To:
Women only
Sexual Orientation:
Open to Gay/Bisexual Contact:
Will Write Overseas:


If I started telling—I mean really telling—you about myself, you wouldn’t believe it. Not at first. Most people think that, if somebody’s on Death Row, they must be a monster or an idiot. But you know that can’t be automatically true. People are rarely that simple. It would be boring if I could sum myself up in one word or 250, like this profile.

Go ahead, look me up. There’s a lot of B.S. out there, but the basics are true. When you’re done, you won’t know me, though. In fact, you’ll know less than you do now. Funny how that works, right?

I swear: when you write me, I’ll never lie to you. Maybe you’ll find that refreshing . . . or hard to handle? Look at my face. Can you see the Truth?

If I write you back, it’ll be for the right reasons. I don’t need your money. Don’t try to save my soul. I’ve lost faith in true love. I give more than I take.

This thing sounds so serious! But I’m more often lighthearted and humorous. We can go deep with the letters if you insist . . . or just laugh. Let’s laugh.

What else do you see in my face? OMG, I’m still young and handsome! These pictures are from 2016 (profile), 2020, and March 2021 (hat). You like that? Yes?

You can e-mail me from here or write a letter. Please refrain from becoming infatuated 😀

Take it from me,
Richard Andrew,
Too Late Lasts Forever.

PA DOC / Smart Communications
Richard Poplawski #KB7354
SCI Phoenix
PO Box 33028
St Petersburg, FL 33733

Source: Richard Poplawski #KB7354