Shamarr Stroud #A357803

Shamarr Stroud #A357803


Birth Date:
March 11, 1970
Incarcerated Since:
Release Date:
October 25, 2023
Convicted Of:
Home Town:
Cleveland, OH
Afro American
220 lbs
Wants To Write To:
Sexual Orientation:
Open to Gay/Bisexual Contact:
Will Write Overseas:


What’s up my name is Shamarr, but everyone calls me Rock. I am 6’1” and weight 225 pounds. I enjoy exercising, bodybuilding, music, especially playing the piano, and music production. I also enjoy sports and watching movies, I try to laugh and joke sometimes to keep my soul at peace. I truly believe people encounter each other through the universe, souls are connected through predestination, and whoever is meant to be a part of your journey will be there, and whoever is not meant to be a part of your journey will not be. I like to defy the odds and sometimes take chances, being open minded is a quality that I am working on. We only have one life to live, and you have to go after the things you want and try to attain them. If you settle and do not go after your goals, your soul will feel void and empty. I am in college right now majoring in business. There is a time to be serious and there is also a time to have some fun, I can also turn into a party animal, as they say turn up. There are 86,400 seconds in a day, I try to learn something or achieve something within those seconds, I am searching for a friend or possible soul mate, so we can explore our goals and ideas together. So shoot through and I will get back at you.

Shamarr Stroud #A357803
​Mansfield Correctional Institution
P.O. Box 788
Mansfield, OH 44901

Source: Shamarr Stroud #A357803