Basic Webpage Email Terms

To email this inmate, read and agree to the following:

  • You must be at least 18 years of age.

  • You are not related to or acquainted with this prisoner; you have had no previous contact with this prisoner.

  • Only the first email message from you will be forwarded to this prisoner. After that you must write directly.

  • You must provide a valid street address or p.o. box with city, state, and zip code or your message will not be forwarded, and the inmate will not be able to write you back.

  • Do not send the same generic message to multiple inmates.

  • Do not email more than ten (10) inmates per month.

  • If you are LGBTQ, review the inmate's ad first to make sure they are open to this kind of contact before sending them a message.

  • Do not use this service to put inmates in touch with other inmates. This is an attempt to make use of our service without paying for it. It is also a crime in some states and against the rules in most jail and prison facilities.

  • Solicitations, attachments, photos, and messages with objectionable (hateful, profane, or explicit) content will not be forwarded.

  • Please do not send an email message unless you intend to correspond with this prisoner by regular mail. This prisoner will write to you and will be very disappointed if you never write back.

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