Jeremiah Bryant #149331


Birth Date:
January 9, 1989
Incarcerated Since:
Release Date:
Convicted Of:
2nd degree murder
Home Town:
Fort Collins, CO
160 lbs
Wants To Write To:
Sexual Orientation:
Open to Gay/Bisexual Contact:
Will Write Overseas:

What’s up everybody, my name is Jeremiah. I’m 34 years old and have been incarcerated since the beginning of 2009. I’m 5’4” tall, brown hair, hazel eyes, and am 155 lbs. I shave my head because it’s more manageable in here. My entire back and chest are covered in tattoos and I have a few on my arms as well. I enjoy learning as much and as often as I can. When I care about something there is nothing I won’t do. I’m very passionate and like to take risks. I love adventures and am not content to be stagnate. I’m looking for someone who will be honest, caring, and who values their word. I’m not looking for $ or favors. I’m looking for someone who doesn’t care about the optics of writing someone in prison. I want to get to know you on a personal level and allow you to know me. I have a bunch of $ on the phone and plenty of stamps. I’m looking forward to meeting someone who shares my convictions and I hope we can make valuable contributions to each other’s lives. I have a lengthy prison sentence and I’m not looking to monopolize anybody’s life. I just want to meet someone who is willing to take a chance and be excited about getting to know me. I’m excited to hear from you, and I honestly can’t wait. Hit me up.


Jeremiah Bryant #149331
Colorado State Penitentiary
F - 6 - 28
PO Box 777
Canon City, CO 81215

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Listed: 11/09/23
Exp.: 12/08/24


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