Lacy Pack #779419


Birth Date:
June 10, 1981
Incarcerated Since:
July 2020
Release Date:
June 23, 2027
Convicted Of:
Aggravated burglary
Home Town:
Columbus, OH
245 lbs
Wants To Write To:
Women only
Sexual Orientation:
Open to Gay/Bisexual Contact:
Will Write Overseas:

My name is Lacy Pack. I’m locked up for Aggravated Burglary. I have 3-1/2 years left to go. I’m an adventurist, also spontaneous person. I like to travel. I’ve been all over the East Coast but not West at all. For work I’ve cut trees down and did a lot of roofing. Thinking about driving a truck when I get out. I have one daughter who’s grown, 23. I’ve been divorced for about 5 years so this is all new to me. I guess that’s the Gemini in me. I’m looking to find a friend, possibly more, someone to build with. I’m sorry for this profile not being the best, but if you want to drop a line that would make me happy. Hopefully I could do the same for you. If this sounds good hit me up. I’m not going anywhere for a while lol.

To email me

Lacy Pack #779419
Toledo Correctional Institution
P.O. Box 80033
Toledo, Ohio 43608

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