Christopher Winter #16345756


Birth Date:
March 10, 1970
Incarcerated Since:
Release Date:
Convicted Of:
Home Town:
Oregon City, OR
225 lbs
Wants To Write To:
Women Only
Sexual Orientation:
Will Write Overseas:
Romance, Friendship

Hello, is there anybody lonely out there? I figure if you're reading this, you're maybe bored, or looking for a friendly thought to cure your loneliness. Either way, you've found me.

Almost 17 years ago, I left society with about 8 more to go. The kids are grown, some family is gone, and 6 years ago I became a widower.

Other than a little husky, I think of myself as an average guy, sometimes above average. I'm open-minded and non-judgmental, who would like to keep you from being lonely. I enjoy writing, such as short stories or a long letter perhaps. I've found dreams and ambitions feed the imagination dragon and pictures are a glimpse into reality.

I'm pretty fluent in English and Canadian, while I speak a little Irish and Australian, if you write from the Isles, please do so slowly, it's difficult to understand with thick accents :)

There isn't a certain type I hope responds. Really, I hope to find someone who would like to hang out through the mail, maybe exchange photos or stories. The beach, camping in the mountains, or the crackle of the fireplace you might like. You'll be as happy to hear from me as I will be from you.

As I hold your unopened letter i my hands, I'll imagine feeling the same magic as a kid at Christmas. Why are you still lonely? Oh, that's right, you haven't said hello yet.

Christopher Winter #16345756
Oregon State Penitentiary
2605 State Street
Salem, OR 97310

To write to this inmate, you must be at least 18 years of age and have read and agreed to the Terms of Use for this website.

Listed: 01/13/23


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