Migwetch, Biwaabik Wakaaigan


My art and writing have been my attempts to reconnect with my community and to communicate the realities through creativity, those which many prisoners face. My vision is to bridge that gap between the incarcerated and free world people, allowing creativity and free expression to fuel that mission. Art and writing in many circumstances have remained our only one and truly protected vehicle for free speech. The U.S. In-Justice system has tried many times, in many ways to exclude us from telling our sides of the stories, now many are able to share without interruptions or exclusion by American society. – Migwetch, Biwaabik Wakaaigan

Frederick Fisher #189340
St. Cloud Correctional Facility
2305 Minnesota Boulevard S.E.
St. Cloud, MN 56304

Iron House Artist Statement


Art has proven to be a satisfying and fulfilling experience for me. I receive a great deal of pride and enjoyment from my work. Drawing is an aspect of my life which makes me extremely happy. Happiness contributes to an individual’s sense of self-esteem and feelings of self-worth. My art has given me the freedom to feel integrated and whole. When I am drawing I feel like I have been freed from the dehumanizing effects of incarceration, creating a much more satisfying life. The happiness derived from art provides meaning for life. For me it’s the ultimate reality, providing the greatest sense of peacefulness an individual can experience. – Iron House Artist Statement

Frederick Fisher #189340
St. Cloud Correctional Facility
2305 Minnesota Boulevard S.E.
St. Cloud, MN 56304