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Search results for: in category "Federal"

7 results found.
1. Ceddrick Johnson #48985-177 [Federal] [Will Write Overseas]
In: NewJersey
Ceddrick Johnson #48985-177 Birth Date: June 14, 1976 Incarcerated Since: 2014 Release Date: 2027 Convicted Of: Drugs Home Town: Abilene, TX Ethni...
13 Mar 2023
2. Michael Fish #01873-509 [Federal] [Will Write Overseas]
In: NewJersey
Looking for New Friends Birth Date: July 14, 1995 Incarcerated Since: 2021 Release Date: 2028 Convicted Of: ID theft Home Town: New York Religion:...
25 Jul 2023
3. SkyLyn Reed #000285823-E [Gay/Bisexual] [Female] [Federal] [Will Write Overseas]
In: NewJersey
SkyLyn Reed #000285823-E Birth Date: May 9, 1990 Incarcerated Since: September 8, 2012 Release Date: June 8, 2025 Convicted Of: Carjacking, robber...
29 Aug 2023
4. Keith Mussenden #01304-509 [Federal] [Will Write Overseas]
In: NewJersey
Keith Mussenden #01304-509 Birth Date: March 26, 1983 Incarcerated Since: February 24, 2020 Release Date: October 2, 2038 Convicted Of: Sexual exp...
3 Oct 2023
5. Randall Walker #14254-025 [Federal] [Will Write Overseas]
In: NewJersey
Randall Walker #14254-025 Birth Date: April 18, 1979 Incarcerated Since: 2020 Release Date: 2025 Ethnicity: White Religion: Follower of Yahweh Hei...
11 Oct 2023
6. Michael Fanelli #67756-050 [Federal] [Will Write Overseas]
In: NewJersey
Michael Fanelli #67756-050 Birth Date: June 17, 1979 Incarcerated Since: 2018 Release Date: Summer 2025 Convicted Of: Bank robbery Home Town: New ...
16 Oct 2023
7. Jonathan Brown #48093-039 [Gay/Bisexual] [Federal] [Will Write Overseas]
In: NewJersey
Jonathan Brown #48093-039 Birth Date: September 27, 1991 Incarcerated Since: 2013 Release Date: 2025 Convicted Of: Possession and distribution of ...
1 Dec 2023

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