Adam Farina #187782

Birth Date:
March 1, 1984
Incarcerated Since:
Release Date:
Convicted Of:
Disorderly conduct
Home Town:
Phoenix, AZ
Caucasian (white)
202 lbs
Wants To Write To:
Sexual Orientation:
Open to Gay/Bisexual Contact:
Will Write Overseas:
Romance, friendship

Hello, my name is Adam Farina. I appreciate you reading my profile and knowing that I am a felon who has a lot of potential as a person and loyal friend to you. I have never posted a site detailing myself and job, etc., for scrutiny. I have been incarcerated for years and will be released from custody soon and I know I need all the support from friends who have potential to guide me in a positive direction. I am in the hopes of establishing a unique positive relationship with any person, but with an emphasis on a woman who could possibly establish a serious and meaningful relationship with me!!! As for any individual who would wish to write me including men who could influence my future in any positive direction.

I have completed some college courses short of a degree. I have been married once and now I am cautious, but realistic. I have been employed for many years as a sales manager. My hobbies are fishing and any outdoor activities. My favorite food is pizza. My vehicle of choice is a Volvo. My favorite classic book is Call Of The Wilde by author Jack London. My favorite sport (American) is basketball. I have taken behavioral management courses emphasizing criminal thinking and I will now approach life within the acceptable boundaries set by society.

Please, email me at without hesitation, post haste!!!

Adam Farina

ASPC Phoenix, Aspen SPU
PO Box 52109
Phoenix, AZ 85072
United States

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Listed: 11/09/23


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