Sharmistha Barai #76033-097

Birth Date:
April 25, 1978
Incarcerated Since:
July 11, 2019
Release Date:
Subject to change
Convicted Of:
Forced labor
Home Town:
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Asian (South East Asia)
92 lbs
Wants To Write To:
Open to Gay/Bisexual Contact:
Will Write Overseas:
Friendship, legal help, donations

I love Yoga that is equanimity but I could not maintain moderation in my own life. I like to read about health, diet, neuropathy, spirituality, Hindu scripture. I like to learn cooking, gardening, DIY. Medicine and psychology are always my home. Ayurveda is the best. Looking for legal assistance desperately. Yogi Bhajan says, "If someone is avoiding you, you reach out."
"Those who wait, didn't start yet."

When we reach the end; take a pause; make a U turn. I'm not a good driver by myself.
Sometimes I write,
"O Divine!
Let me shine,
From all the pits you designed,
For me you assigned,
I am drowning or floating;
Keep me aligned."

External situation is misleading, mislabeling.
"even the knowledge of my own fallibility cannot keep me from making mistakes. Only when I fall, do I get up again." - Vincent Van Gogh

Yoga is an inner journey. Jesus, Krishna are the greatest yogis. They are incarnations of God who glorified darkness of the cage.
" The burden of happiness can only be relieved by the balm of sufferings."
I have 2 kids. Divorce is pending. Life and heals as it is supposed to. I saw the rawness of reality. Genuine friendship is therapeutic. Born in Bangladesh, schooling in Delhi. Though my release date is 2032, it is still changing. Doing post conviction motion to get out soon. Looking for real friends who will help me GROW.

Sharmistha Barai #76033-097
Carswell FMC
PO Box 27137
Fort Worth, TX 76127

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Listed: 10/30/23


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