Bright Light


Birth Date:
December 25, 1992
155 lbs
Wants To Write To:
Will Write Overseas:
Romance, friendship, legal help, donations

I’m the kind of woman who loves wearing old hoodies and drink coffee when I wake up. Listen to music that matches my emotions, lean on God to balance my spirit, and laughter to feed my soul. I am a passionate, strong woman with a big heart. A phoenix, who has made beauty out of the ashes. I’m a cosmetologist, and I love being in the beauty industry empowering women. My nature is very competitive, in my element when I am playing or watching sports. Being fit and active are a part of my daily life. I have dreams of traveling the world, trying foods from every culture, watching orca whales in the wild, and being involved with recovering addicts. Also starting a family and spending my life with someone. If I have sparked your interest, I am looking forward to hearing from you. xo

Kristian Bellamy #21378-032
RRM Cincinnati
36 E. 7TH ST., SUITE 2107-A

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Listed: 06/22/23
Exp.: 08/22/24


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